Emma Anscombe-Skirrow
Aberystwyth University
After registering as a veterinary nurse in 2008, I specialised in nursing of exotics and worked in this field before moving into veterinary nurse education. I have been involved in delivery of both Level 3 and HE veterinary nursing programmes and I am currently setting up the new FdSc Veterinary Nursing at Aberystwyth University. I completed an MSc and teaching qualifications alongside working full time, and work with the RCVS in accrediting veterinary nursing qualifications. I am passionate about preparing veterinary nurses for their future roles in supporting themselves and each other when working in industry and have embedded this into the new course as much as possible.
05-Jul-2024Penbryn: Medrus 4Leadership for Veterinary Nurses: The Role of Coaching & Mentoring
05-Jul-2024Penbryn: Medrus 4The Resilient Veterinary Nurse